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New Culture of Learning

     The environment in which we are raised tends to have a significant impact on our mental and physical health. It guides our attitudes, goals, and decisions. The same is true for our educational environment. Creating a significant learning environment minimizes the current limitations present in today’s classroom. Challenges may arise as public schools strive to modernize the traditional educational system. Ensuring compliance with TEA requirements while prioritizing students' success presents a significant concern. Implementing a holistic approach within a standardized educational framework could present obstacles. Nonetheless, initiating change is imperative. Incremental adjustments within our schools have the potential to to bring about broader transformations throughout the educational system. For students to flourish, they should be enveloped in an environment that bestows upon them the ability to learn in a way that is beneficial for them. Students should have a voice in their own learning journey verses being subjected to rote learning styles.

     Classrooms have been set up to allow teachers to impart knowledge to students, who are then expected to absorb, retain, practice, and apply this knowledge through various assessments. Within our public education system all students are subject to standardized testing, such as STAAR. As a result, learning environments have been shaped in a way that conforms to standardization in order to meet these testing requirements. The issue with standardized testing is that it lacks the ability to truly evaluate a student’s proficiency beyond rote memorization. The problem with memorizing is that the world is changing at an alarming rate. How can we ensure that as the world is quickly accelerating in change and technological advances, that students are able to keep up with and thrive despite the evolving the changes? Embracing and leveraging these changes as valuable tools to support both educators and students is crucial for adapting to the dynamic educational needs of the future. Within the educational system, we must move away from simple content delivery to creating an environment that allows students to think critically, collaborate, and problem solve. These skills are necessary for success in the modern world, despite not being easily measured by standardized test. My current innovation plan will give students the ability to learn according to their personal learning styles and abilities. Considering significant learning environments, I aspire to establish an environment that signifies the importance of change and empowers students to actively contribute to and benefit from this transformative process as students progress in their educational journey.

     In order to create a vigorous learning experience that appeals to each student, I’d like to implement a variety of teaching methods and resources. Integrating technology into the learning environment allows for an enhanced learning experience, further creating an educational experience that is engaging, interactive, and individually tailored to students needs. Encouraging students to develop a growth mindset, accept challenges, and turn setbacks into comebacks can give students a sense of resilience and adaptability. Possessing these traits will help students navigate an uncertain future. An environment that is both supporting and inclusive will encourage curiosity and create lifelong learners that are able to thrive in the unforeseeable future. I aim to create an atmosphere that is both inclusive and supportive in order to lead students towards reaching their full potential. I am excited to witness the positive impact that this innovative approach will have on students’ growth and development. ​



Thomas, D., & Brown, J. S. (2011). A new culture of learning: Cultivating the imagination for a world of Constant Change. CreateSpace.

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