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Effective Professional Leadership

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     My purpose for wanting to change the layout of our current professional development programs is to ensure that the information provided is actually beneficial. As the years pass pd the change in pd has gone from going and and listening to someone talk to gain new information to becoming more interactive. Now we are required to breakout into groups. We are required to create anchor charts and practice new ideas. The problem is the end result for previous pd and the pd of today is the same. Teachers leave the room and may try to implement an idea once or twice and then go back to what they are comfortable with. Most complain about it being a waste of time.. Handouts go into a pile never to be seen again. The vast amount of information is sometimes too much to handle and ends up never being used..


What then is the purpose of professional development?


It is known that learning is a lifelong process. There is always room for improvement. There are new ideas and better ways that can produce better results everyday. Professional development courses for our teachers is an important aspects for educators. It can ensure that as our world evolves, teachers do so to.. Each generation learns and responds differently and in order to reach our students we have to change our teaching tactics to keep up with their learning needs and desires.

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