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My educational journey

Hello and welcome to my digital portfolio. In 2023, I made the decision to pursue a master's degree, embarking on a journey within a leadership program. After the successful completion of my initial two classes, I felt compelled to pivot towards a focus on integrating technology into educational settings. This shift was motivated by a desire to address the dynamic advancements in the modern world. While our current educational system strives to keep pace with these changes, I perceived a gap in its adaptability, resulting in challenges for educators and learners alike. I couldn’t quite understand where the deficit lies. Fortunately I ventured into the applied digital learning program at Lamar University and 4 classes in, my thought process on education has changed tremendously.


I begin my adl journey in the disruptive innovation and concepts of educational tech courses. One of the very first assignments in concepts of educational tech I was to create a growth mindset plan. This was the first time I’d really sat and looked at the effects of how our mindset controls our learning journey. This assignment did wonders to get me through my first two courses. The adl program has been set up in a way that allows learners to take control of their own learning. This takes some getting used to when your learning journey up until then has been strictly directed. I then got to take a look at how I viewed learning. I was able to inquire within myself how I felt about the educational system and what I believed in terms of learning. Lastly, I was assigned the creation of my own e-portfolio to showcase all of the work I’d put into the adl program. This has allowed me to go back and look at how far I’ve come. It’s allowed me to reflect on my new learning journey and share my thoughts and plans on the future of education. Within the Disruptive Innovation course I created an innovation proposal. This was the start of my plan to help change the future of education. I expounded on my thoughts on piloting a blended learning environment within my school. I dived in to researching Blended Learning and completed a literature review to acknowledge the benefits of blended learning. I then created an implementation plan to show how we could implement the blended learning program I’d proposed. This course helped me to organize my thoughts in order to make the future of education a reality and not just a fleeting thought.


The past 8 weeks I took the create significant learning environments (5313) and applying educational tech (5303) courses. Within course 5313 I focused on how to implement the use of technology into the learning environment In a way that enriches the learning process, rather than restricting it. I learned the differences in our traditional culture of learning and the new culture of learning. I got the chance to voice my thoughts on how a new culture of learning would benefit our educational system and the set back that the traditional culture of learning results in. I got to plan sample lessons for the upcoming year utilizing Fink’s 3 column chart and a understanding by design template. Both of these resources allowed me to plan in a way that would ensure all of the components of my lesson correlated for maximum efficiency. Lastly, I took a look at growth mindset plan and focused on how I would implement it within my classroom. Within course 5303, I focused on blogging my thoughts in regards to education. This allowed me to consider many different educational point of views and gain a deeper understanding of my thoughts and plans for education. I also worked to make improvements on my e-portfolio while still ensuring to keep it my own.




Over the past 8 weeks, I have actively participated in courses 5303 and 5313. I prioritized engaging with my peers, diligently completing most assignments on time, which notably reduced my initial apprehension compared to the beginning of the ADL course. This newfound confidence allowed me to effectively communicate my ideas and interact with others.


My commitment to learning was evident through consistent participation in various activities, although this semester presented significant health challenges, impacting both my physical and mental well-being. Despite occasional setbacks, I am proud of my accomplishments and the efforts I put forth, even when faced with the temptation to prioritize my health over academic pursuits.


I incorporated feedback from previous assignments to inform subsequent tasks. Adjustments were made to enhance the layout and organization of my portfolio. While considering various recommendations, I opted to maintain the authenticity of my e-portfolio. Moving forward in the ADL program, I intend to persist in enhancing my e-portfolio to elevate its value for both myself and potential viewers


Throughout the course, I collaborated closely with individuals like Rose Rayner, Maria Montemayor, and Samara Marin, each offering unique perspectives that enriched my learning experience. Engaging with professionals from diverse backgrounds not only broadened my understanding but also introduced me to valuable resources applicable to my teaching career.


Identifying time management as a crucial area for improvement, I acknowledge its impact on my performance, particularly in light of health constraints. Looking ahead, I aim to refine my time management skills during the upcoming summer break, providing a more conducive environment for personal development and academic success.


Reflecting on my progress, I believe an 80 rating aptly reflects the strides made in my participation since last year, while also signaling my readiness for further growth in my educational journey.

Blended Learning

The recent pandemic worsened existing education gaps, making differentiation crucial in classrooms. Tailoring instruction to individual learning styles is challenging in large classes. Proposed blended learning removes whole group teaching, allowing personalized instruction through various methods. This approach aims to improve student mastery and learning outcomes while giving teachers more impactful ways to support students.

Horn and Staker's guide offers strategies for creating a student-centered learning environment through blended learning.

Novak and Tucker's guide combines universal design for learning and blended learning to help students thrive in the classroom. 

Tucker provides insight on why blended learning provides paths for effective, student centered teaching. 

Snowy Mountain

Carol Dweck  explains the benefits and limitations of different mindsets.

Harapnuik and Thibodeaux provide insight on a learner centered approach through COVA. 

Book suggestion Coming Soon! 

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