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  • ajernigan1989

Growth Mindset Revamp

In a previous course I was introduced to detriments of a fixed mindset and led towards a more beneficial mindset. My fixed mindset made me realize how much I stayed away from challenges and possible failures. It made me cringe at the thought of how others would view me if I failed. I didn't see the value in making mistakes and using those mistakes to my advantage. I've since been more aware of my thought process as I crawl through this course. Accepting feed forward to help me make progress the next time around. I've learned of the benefits of a growth mindset and I'm almost positive it will help to create the significant learning environment I've been working towards throughout this course.

In a prior course, I was introduced to the drawbacks of a fixed mindset and was guided towards adopting a more beneficial mindset. My fixed mindset made me realize how much I deterred from embracing challenges and potential failures. I failed to recognize the value of learning from mistakes and leveraging them for personal growth. Presently, I am more attuned to my thought process as I navigate through this course, actively seeking and embracing feedback to facilitate my continuous improvement. Embracing the principles of a growth mindset, I am confident that it will foster the transformative learning environment I aspire to cultivate within the coming years.

A few weeks ago I was called in to the office and learned of my reassignment. I'm moving grades once again. This time to pre-k. Pre-k was a grade level I've always wanted to try, yet never got the chance to do so. I'd gotten used to my 2nd graders and their development of a sense of independence. I spent some time thinking of the positives and started diving into their curriculum, and something hit me.

The prospect of molding young minds towards a growth mindset at this early stage struck me as an enriching challenge. While instilling a growth mindset is feasible at any age, fostering this outlook from the outset necessitates a concerted effort. My thoughts are now consumed by the strategies required to guide the impressionable minds that will soon be under my tutelage in the right direction.

I envision creating a classroom culture that embodies resilience, perseverance, and adaptability. Cultivating an environment that piques curiosity, fosters a love for learning, and underscores the significance of effort and learning from mistakes is paramount. While working to cultivate a growth mindset within my students, it is important that I display the benefits of challenges and setbacks, working to teach students that failing serves as stepping stones towards progress.

I appreciate that in my district, students have the opportunity to thrive without the pressure of grades until 2nd grade. This will allow me the chance to really focus on pushing the importance of making growth and integrity.

Embarking on this new educational journey into that of pre-k education fills me with enthusiasm and a steadfast commitment to nurturing young minds towards a growth-oriented mindset.

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