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  • ajernigan1989

5304/5317 Contributions Post

Starting this summer with newfound confidence, I, as an educator on summer break, had high hopes of maintaining a focused approach throughout the course. However, reality took me by surprise as I faced various challenges during my summer studies. Despite the struggles, I believe I have grown, and the best part is that I have successfully completed the journey. 

During this period, I navigated through course 5317 (Resources Digital Environment) and course 5304 (Leading Organization Change). One aspect I appreciate about this program is the continuity of working with the same group of individuals in most of my courses. Similarly to previous instances, a fellow student took the initiative to create a Teams group, fostering collaboration among most of the class for our ongoing courses. This sense of community and mutual support has been invaluable. We shared resources, discussed challenging topics, and provided encouragement when the workload felt overwhelming. It's incredible how much more manageable everything became with the collective wisdom and camaraderie of my peers. 

One of the highlights of this Summer was the project I undertook in course 5317, which involved creating an article intended for publication. The project challenged us to delve deep into our chosen topics, conducting thorough research and honing our writing skills to produce a piece that was both informative and engaging. Collaborating with peers, we exchanged feedback and ideas, which not only improved the quality of our work but also fostered a sense of community and shared purpose. The feedback received from my classmates proved to be invaluable, enabling me to enhance my work and experience a profound sense of achievement. Moreover, I had the opportunity to offer constructive feedback to my peers. This experience as a novice writer encouraged me to delve deeper into providing insightful critiques rather than merely providing superficial praise and swiftly progressing. In addition, I had the opportunity to collaborate with my peers on the assigned media project and even participate in another peer’s media project.  

Course 5304 was equally transformative. It pushed me to think critically about the dynamics of organizational change and the role of leadership within that process. Introducing new initiatives often encounters resistance, making it challenging to garner acceptance from others. This course facilitated a deep exploration of the motivations driving change initiatives, equipped me with effective strategies to influence the behavior of others, and provided a roadmap for the successful implementation of innovative practices. Moreover, it underscored the significance of becoming a self-differentiated leader to enhance communication within the organization, streamline the organization, and effectively steer the process of organizational change. 

Throughout both courses, I diligently engaged with all instructional materials, including watching all provided videos and completing designated readings. Furthermore, I conscientiously viewed all recorded lectures at my convenience, which afforded me the opportunity to enhance my focus, pause for reflection, and replay content as needed to ensure comprehensive comprehension. 

Participation in all discussion board inquiries was completed throughout both courses. While I strived to offer professional and valuable responses to my peers, regrettably, my responses were not consistently timely. 

Within the Teams discussion board facilitated by Audrey Parcell, I collaborated extensively with a select group of peers, notably Samara Marin, Mia Fayweather, Anna Gonzalez, Ashley Grandhauser, Maria Montemayor, and Kayla Miller. These individuals played a pivotal role in assisting me with successful assignment completion, and in turn, I reciprocated the support. 

As I look back on this Summer, I realize that the struggles and triumphs have shaped me into a more resilient and knowledgeable individual. The connections I've made and the skills I've acquired will undoubtedly serve me well in my future endeavors. I am grateful for the journey and excited for what lies ahead. 

In self-assessment and adherence to the guidelines, I acknowledge a deficiency in timeliness within courses 5317 and 5304, warranting a self-assigned grade of 89. Despite valid justifications, inadequate time management led to the delayed completion of several discussion questions and responses. This delay in submission hindered substantial feedback, as peers had progressed to subsequent topics. Notwithstanding this, I am confident in the adequacy of my participation and support extended to others during the duration of both courses and the fulfillment of assignments. 

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