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Create Significant Learning Environments -5313

The objective of course 5313 has been to understand how to establish an environment that promotes optimal learning in the classroom. Initially, I learned about the distinction between the traditional learning culture and the new learning culture to improve our learning environments.
I was then challenged to reflect on my personal beliefs about the learning process and redefine my roll within the classroom. Subsequently, I delved into learning about Fink's 3-column table and the Understanding by Design framework to aid in planning with the end goal in mind to ensure alignment in all aspects of my classroom. Finally, I reviewed my previous growth mindset plan and looked at it with more focus on how to help others achieve a growth mindset. 

New Culture of Learning

innovative learning environment.jpg

Learning Phillosophy

learning philosophy.jpg

Aligning Outcomes, Assessments, & Activities

Pages of Book

Understanding by Design Lesson Template

Girl with Laptop
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