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  • ajernigan1989

Growth Mindset Impact

My thoughts on the topics at hand:

My wildly important goal is to implement instruction in a way that caters to the wide variety of learning styles in a classroom. My hope is that this will make for a much more effective and engaging learning experience for 100% of my students. 

 The UDL framework allows for learners to receive instruction in a way that is unique to them. It allows for true differentiation by encompassing a variety of instructional methods. 

In my personal life I was recently able to notice the effects of a fixed mindset. I now strongly believe in the negative effects that it causes. Watching my son these past couple of weeks and thinking back on some of the comments he's made and his behavior towards his academics led me to realize that he encompasses a fixed mindset. I noticed that I, similarly, have had some of the same responses. It seems as though I possess a fixed mindset towards some things and a growth mindset in regards to others. I believe the process of moving towards a growth mindset myself, and helping my own kids and students do the same with prove beneficial in our journey towards continuous learning.

I believe including a growth mindset plan and the UDL framework in the process of reaching my goal will prove to be beneficial. It will provide, for both myself and the lives I have the ability to touch, the ability to become life long learners. 

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