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What's Your Why? 

Students should have access to a diversity of learning tools in order to accommodate all learning styles and provide all students the ability to grasp and retain information effectively. To do this, we implement a variety of teaching methods and personalized support to benefit all students. This approach will promote inclusivity and ensure that no student is left behind.



​Throughout the years, several presidents have signed multiple acts aimed at ensuring that all students are successful in their educational endeavors. Each legislative action sought to build upon its predecessor in an attempt to enhance educational standards. While commendable progress has been made in advancing student education, it is imperative to acknowledge the persistent presence of struggling students in schools across the nation. In a day and age where we have the ability to provide an abundance of resources and technological advances that make it easier to provide personalized education, why are we not using these tools more effectively? Is it satisfactory to simply uphold minimalistic obligations in order to abide by the law? Merely meeting minimal obligations to comply with regulations falls short of our potential. Redirecting our attention to cater to students' requirements will naturally fulfill regulatory obligations. It is time to utilize the vast amount of resources that have been created to empower educators in successful instructional implementation, ensuring that every student learns optimally.

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