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  • ajernigan1989

Disruptive Innovation

I've been teaching for about 7 years. I don't know it all and I'm always open to learning more and improving. I'm not afraid of change. If it's makes things easier and if it's more beneficial for our students, I'm all for trying something new. Below are just a few of my thoughts on why change is important. 

Imagine trying to do the exact same things you used to 10-20 years ago. Imagine doing it 5 years ago. The world around us is changing constantly and it is imperative that we do the same, regardless of how we feel about it, or we'll get left behind. 

Time gives us the gift of knowledge. That knowledge gives us the ability to do better. We can't prevail if we decide to stay stagnant. 

Within the education system I've noticed that a few changes. I've noticed that some of the curriculum has changed. I've noticed that the order of the curriculum has changed from year to year. I've noticed that STAAR testing, including the writing portion, has been moved online. I've also noticed that the breakdown of minutes throughout my day has been the same throughout my years of teaching. My reading block includes whole group read aloud, whole group shared reading, whole group phonics, writing, grammar, and guided reading groups a day for 20 minutes). Is it not time to make changes in this aspect as well? A beneficial change here would be one that gives students the ability to have more individualized instruction. Being able to cater to the different levels and learning styles in a class may mean that whole group teaching happens less. I can imagine the uproar of trying to get rid of the traditional whole group teaching style. 

While technology may not be the whole of blended learning, it such an amazing tool that it has the ability to provide a vast variety of option that may not be possible for one teacher to do for 20+ students in a small amount of time. It's a helping hand. 

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