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  • ajernigan1989

Growth Mindset Perception

Utilizing "yet" gives one a perception of a continuance versus an end. It acknowledges the fact that more can be done to reach the end goal. 

A growth mindset gives you the ability to understand that there is room for improvement. A growth mindset helps to deny the thought of having failed at something and instead believing that you are working towards being successful. 

Something that really stood out to me in Eduardo's video is the difference in saying "You're really smart" and "You must've tried really hard". This was something I've never considered and yet for me it makes so much sense. Thinking back to when I was growing up the comments about how smart I was weren't exactly encouraging for me. They were stressful. I felt I couldn't betray that little phrase and fail. As a result, I was afraid to take on challenges, I simply wanted to do what was "safe". I wanted to do what I knew would come easy for me versus what challenged and taught me. I was stuck in a fixed mindset and it prevented me from growing and being okay with not being perfect at everything.

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