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  • ajernigan1989

Reviewed by my peers! (Publication Rough Draft)

Currently, I am in the process of preparing my first publication focusing on the integration of technology within educational settings. A noteworthy assignment in my digital resources environment course involved creating a preliminary draft and soliciting feedback from peers. This exercise not only entailed assessing the work of others but also necessitated providing evaluations while acknowledging that initial drafts are inherently imperfect. Initially, the prospect of sharing my work with classmates was daunting, fueled by concerns that my submissions might not match the caliber of others. However, in retrospect, this experience proved to be immensely valuable. It provided an opportunity to receive constructive feed-forward on my work, fostering a growth-oriented perspective rather than a sense of inadequacy. Engaging with peers' work also enabled me to offer insightful suggestions and delve deeply into the content. Transitioning from the role of an elementary teacher, where praising work often felt instinctual, this experience underscored the importance of critical evaluation and collaborative improvement.

My draft underwent evaluation and grading by Ashley G., Mia F., Kayla M., and Samara M., resulting in scores of 39/50, 45/50, 45/50, and 44/50 respectively. This culminated in an average grade of 43.25. Feedback for enhancement encompassed incorporating personal anecdotes, utilizing subtitles, and integrating graphical representations. Moreover, the recommendation to elaborate further on specific sections with additional details was noted. I anticipate advancing this project and aspire to its eventual publication. Below is a link to the current draft prior to changes being made.

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